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  2. Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.

  3. The Natural Earth quick start kit (219 mb) provides a small sample of Natural Earth themes styled in in a QGIS document. Download all vector themes as SHP (576 mb), SQLite (423 mb), or GeoPackage (436 mb).

  4. Raster data includes grayscale-shaded relief and cross-blended hypsometric tints derived from the latest NASA SRTM Plus elevation data and tailored to register with Natural Earth Vector. Optimized for use in web mapping applications, such as Google or Yahoo, with built-in scale attributes to direct features to be shown at different zoom levels.

  5. Natural Earth » 1:10m Cultural Vectors - Free vector and raster...

    Natural Earth shows de facto boundaries by default according to who controls the territory, versus de jure. Adjusted to taste which boundaries are shown, hidden, and how they are rendered using the fclass_* properties paired with the POV worldview polygons above.

  6. Natural Earth » 1:10m Physical Vectors - Free vector and raster...

    Single-line drainages including optional lake centerlines and supplementary data for North America and Europe.

  7. Natural Earth » 1:10m Raster Data - Free vector and raster map...

    Natural Earth features 7 types of raster files at 1:10 million-scale to suit your bandwidth and content focus. Two versions of the 10 million-scale raster data are offered: high resolution files at 21,600 x 10,800 pixels and low resolution at 16,200 x 8,100.

  8. Natural Earth » 1:10m Natural Earth II - Free vector and raster...

    Natural Earth II is a raster map dataset that portrays the world environment in an idealized manner with little human influence. Imagine the urban landscapes of New York, Paris, and Tokyo restored to temperate forest, southern Russia as the open steppe it once was, and the Amazon River basin covered with unbroken rainforest.

  9. The Map Update Committee coordinates this activity and is the final arbitrator on map features, data creation, and data attributes. Natural Earth draws de facto boundaries according to our disputed boundaries policy .

  10. I’m proud to announce the immediate availability of Natural Earth version 4! After four months active development and more than 50 contributors Natural Earth v4 is now generally available on and Github. See the CHANGELOG for full details. Here’s a quick summary:

  11. All versions of Natural Earth raster + vector map data found on this website are in the public domain. You may use the maps in any manner, including modifying the content and design, electronic dissemination, and offset printing.