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  2. Novice JavaScript developers need to know that the "not not" operator is using implicitly the original loose comparison method instead of the exact === or !== operators and also the hidden cast operation that is happening behind the scenes and I show it in the example I provide.

  3. It's a little hard to google when all you have are symbols ;) The terms to use are "JavaScript conditional operator". If you see any more funny symbols in JavaScript, you should try looking up JavaScript's operators first: Mozilla Developer Center's list of operators. The one exception you're likely to encounter is the $ symbol.

  4. I'm using JSLint to go through JavaScript, and it's returning many suggestions to replace == (two equals signs) with === (three equals signs) when doing things like comparing idSele_UNVEHtype.value.

  5. In short, when you care that let a variable assigned from a possible null undefined source, and you wish to provide a default value to the variable, use the nullish coalescing operator ??. If you want to avoid messing yourself around with the JavaScript definition of falsy truthy [1], then avoid using ||.

  6. Javascript does have types; and in any case, how is the dollar sign even related to that? It's just a character that happens to be a legal identifier in Javascript.

  7. Functionally, it looks like it allows you to nest a variable inside a string without doing concatenation using the + operator. I'm looking for documentation on this feature. Example: var string = 'this is a string'; console.log(`Insert a string here: ${string}`); javascript. string. variables. concatenation.

  8. Learn the difference between == and === in JavaScript, how they compare values and types, and when to use them. Stack Overflow has the answers.

  9. javascript: tells the browser to execute the JavaScript code, and void(0) means, do nothing - don't reload, don't navigate, do not run any code.

  10. Behind the scenes construction of a new object in javascript prototypes from some object with a "toString" method. The default object provides this method as a property, and that method internally invokes the tag to determine how to coerce the object to a string.

  11. See: How to check for undefined in javascript?, and whether a variable is undefined and How to handle ‘undefined’ in javascript