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  2. The world’s top economy: the US vs China in five charts

    China’s energy usage is significantly higher than the US, which is understandable given the difference in geographic and population size. As the chart below shows, not surprisingly, CO2 emissions were almost twice those of the US in 2015. The country’s comparatively high reliance on coal in its energy mix is a major contributor to this.

  3. Which are the world’s biggest economies by GDP? | World Economic...

    The US was the largest economy in the world with $21 trillion, followed by China and Japan, according to World Bank data for 2019. The chart shows how the $88 trillion global economy was spread across 42 countries, with Africa the smallest region.

  4. COVID-19, US GDP and productivity loss: What we know

    The web page estimates how much of the decline in U.S. GDP during the pandemic was driven by spillover effects from the productivity losses of contact-intensive industries. It uses mobility data as a proxy for productivity and applies Hulten's theorem to calculate the impact of each industry on aggregate GDP.

  5. US household income distribution data, shown in one chart | World...

    See how U.S. households are grouped by income brackets and economic classes in a neighborhood of 100 homes. Learn how income inequality and wealth disparity have changed over time and how they are affected by the pandemic and recession.

  6. These 15 economies represent 75% of total global GDP - or $85.8...

    See how the world's $86 trillion economy is composed of 15 countries, with China ranking second and the US first. The chart uses nominal GDP data from the World Bank and shows the regional and income level breakdowns.

  7. How has COVID-19 impacted the US economy? | World Economic Forum

    The U.S. GDP plunged at a record 32.9% annualized rate in the second quarter of 2020, the deepest decline since the Great Depression. The pandemic-induced recession was exacerbated by a lack of fiscal stimulus, rising unemployment and a resurgence of coronavirus cases.

  8. How big is America's public debt? | World Economic Forum

    Learn how America's debt has surged since 2008, reaching a record 122% of GDP in 2020. Explore the breakdown of federal spending and revenue, and the impact of COVID-19 on the fiscal balance.

  9. This is what's driving GDP growth in the US | World Economic...

    The U.S. economy grew by 5.2 percent in the third quarter of 2023, thanks to robust consumer spending and better-than-expected private investment. The chart shows how each component of GDP contributed to the total growth, and how inflation-adjusted spending on goods and services increased.

  10. China could overtake the US as the world’s largest economy by...

    This chart shows the ranking of the world's largest economies by PPP GDP in 1992, 2010 and 2028, based on IMF data. It projects that four out of the top six countries in 2028 will be in Asia, while Europe will decline in relative size.

  11. The state of the US economy in 11 charts | World Economic Forum

    The US is a global innovation powerhouse, generating groundbreaking new products and research in its vibrant, dynamic companies, labs and universities. It came second in the World Economic Forum's most recent Global Competitiveness Index , after Switzerland, partly thanks to its high score for innovation.