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  2. The refresh rate (Hz) of your monitor does not affect the frame rate (FPS) your GPU will be outputting. If your FPS is higher than your refresh rate, your display will not be able to display all of the frames your computer is producing. So although the refresh rate doesn’t technically limit the frame rate, it does effectively set a cap.

  3. 2. Most Gamers used Fraps tool to measure the FPS of a game. Fraps is a game-video-recording application, although it also has the ability to display an FPS counter over the current game. There is also a newer tool called BandiCam which has a very nice dark stylish and does the same.

  4. How to find out the maximum framerate of a webcamera?

    800x600 x 24-bit color x 30 FPS x (format) = 230,400,000 bps (230.400 Mbps) 960x720 x 24-bit color x 30 FPS x (format) = 331,776,000 bps (331.776 Mbps) 1280x960 x 24-bit color x 24.414 FPS x (format) = 480,000,000 bps (480.000 Mbps) In short, it depends on the software you are using to take the video from the camera, the type of USB connection ...

  5. For WebKit, there are two video element attributes that you can query regularly: More explanation here. Using these, you can, for example, run a timer every second to get the values and calculate the real framerate. The two values should sum up to the total frames available in the video per played out second.

  6. Press F12. In the bottom (console) section, click the 3 vertical dots. Select the 'Rendering' page to add it to the bottom pane. You should see 'FPS meter' 3rd item down. Update: From Chrome 80, the 'FPS Meter' checkbox is the 4th item in the list. You can also access the Rendering tab from the top-right . menu.

  7. ffmpeg -r 25 -i %d.jpg -vcodec mpeg4 test.avi The movie was 3 seconds long (I had 75 jpg in total). I could easily see the black picture. Then I moved to 100 fps, and I was still able to see it – but not 3 times as before (here I had 300 JPG, 3 of them were black). When I moved to 200 fps, I wasn't able to see the black JPG flicker (I 600 JPGs).

  8. The order should be reversed, ffmpeg -i in -filter:v "setpts=PTS/6,fps=30" out. With the fps filter first, ffmpeg will insert 25 duplicate frames each second in order to convert 5 fps to 30, and then speed it up 6x. With the correct order, ffmpeg compresses the stream to have 30 source frames per second, and then all the fps filter ends up ...

  9. The higher the resolution and bit depth the more bandwidth required to send updates. There are a few optimizations VNC servers/clients already do: Only send changed regions, caching unchanged regions on the client. Copying cached regions on the client when changes do occur.

  10. 0. You need to "reencode" your subtitles. It's an option on most subtitle software, like Jubler. Check your video for fps rate (usually in tools>video information), there's a good chance your video is 23.97 and your subtitles are set for 24 or 25.

  11. v4l2 - How to know which framerate should I use to capture webcam...

    5. I'm capturing video from my webcam with the following command: ffmpeg -r 30 -f v4l2 -video_size 160x120 -i /dev/video0 output.avi. The -r option indicate the framerate I want. However, it's not that I want 30 FPS, it's just that otherwise it does not work correctly. Without framerate, the capture is very buggy (I guess it tries to capture ...