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  2. displaying hex byte array values in a specified format.

    I need to convert hex values aa 01 00 17 f4 2f (as contained in byte array FrameData) to display in a label control ...

  3. Function for converting a char to a hex representing string?

    Hi! Do anyone know if C++ contains an in-built function which can convert a char to a CString (not C, but C++ ...

  4. How to Convert .c file into intel .hex file through C#

    Im developing a Software in which i need to convert a .c file into .hex file. its not like that i need to convert it into hex bytes. i need to convert it into Intel's .hex file format . please help me as early as possible!! thanx in advance

  5. escape sequence -

    hi please can someone explain why in c++, \12 escape sequence is equivalent to newline. 12 an octal number cheers ...

  6. conversion from BYTE to string in C -

    iam writing a program for a 8 bit device(i.e smart card reader). all the values i write and read are all hex values. so i use BYTE data type. but to display it in a list box i get trouble. i develop the appli in C under win32.

  7. How to validate .csv files in the incomming request to an web...

    First, take the array of bytes that you receive and convert it into a string by means of GetString (in System.Text.Encoding). Then, examine the content of the string. For example, you can use a Regex to verify that it is made out of blocks of ascii characters separated by commas and newlines (if that is what you expect in your CSVs).

  8. Store a color in SQL database -

    User383510 posted Hello, I have a problem with ToArgb() Method in Xamarin... I need to convert a color to int32 and ...

  9. How To Split Char on Reporting Service

    User1790787635 posted i had one row from database like this: i just try to view this row with reporting service ...

  10. How to draw a WAV sound file Chart graph and get the header data.

    SQL Server Developer Center. Sign in. United States (English)

  11. VB.Net Decompilers -

    Are there any free .net decompiler/disassemblers? I am using a demo of Dis# but it's not showing full code, I need to make sure my obfuscator works.