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  2. Python - W3Schools Forum

    How to extract base64 image string from html using python? By patel tejas, September 15, 2020

  3. But what is Python actually for? - Python - W3Schools Forum

    w3 schools says "Python can be used on a server to create web applications." and wikipedia says "Examples of commonly-used, web applications, include: web-mail, online retail sales, online banking, and online auctions.".

  4. Python - W3Schools Forum

    I only really see people use Python for projects that want to mix web and native development together seamlessly. Python is more of a gluing language, to glue projects together. PHP has eclipsed Python on the web/CGI scene but Python can run as a native program in the interpreter or even compiled into C/C++ further compiled into an executable/app.

  5. Web Scraping - General - W3Schools Forum

    Well, it defines a variable with a webpage to scrape, opens up the page to get the html of it, then it uses the perl regular expression engine to find certain parts of the html/text. It stores the found text in a variable and echos that variable.Thats it, I would actually recommend python for this. I made a web crawler for links in PHP and it ...

  6. Pseudocode - General - W3Schools Forum

    Moderator. 31.6k. Location:Phoenix. Languages:Focusing on PHP and JavaScript. Posted September 22, 2008. Pseudo-code was useful when I was learning how to program, when I knew conceptually what I wanted the program to do but not how to write it. Now that I know the language sometimes it's just as fast to write the actual code as it is the ...

  7. How to extract base64 image string from html using python?

    Create an account or sign in to comment. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment

  8. Tkinter Formular - Python - W3Schools Forum

    Hi there, and welcome to the forums! The only issue I've run into with your code is that provider isn't defined.

  9. How Do I Convert _io.TextIOWrapper To String? - Python -...

    i am making a text editor with python and i need to know how convert _io.TextIOWrapper to string. i am ...

  10. sending json data by python to server - PHP - W3Schools Forum

    I'm not sure how Python is sending the data, but your PHP code will depend on the format of the data. Assuming that Python is sending a JSON string, you can read the string using file_get_contents('php://input') and transform it into an array or object using json_decode().

  11. Python input () function - Python - W3Schools Forum

    If I test the input() function in try it window using example it works however, if I type my own code with input() function I receive (this example is just edited w3schools example changing the variable name):